
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Dancing pallbearers have 'arrived' in Peru

Ceremonies, which were born eight years ago in Huacho, have already spread to several cities in the South American country. For the bereaved families, the practice helps to soften the pain.

Dancing pallbearers have 'arrived' in Peru
Notícias ao Minuto

10:45 - 17/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Insólito

Remember the Ghanaian coffin dancers whose videos went viral and became memes during the Covid-19 pandemic? In Huacho, Peru, there is a very similar tradition, which has recently spread to other parts of the South American country.

A video shared by the Agence France Presse (AFP) shows four funeral workers dancing as they carry a coffin towards a cemetery.

The “dancing pallbearers”, as they are known in Peru, perform a series of dance moves, “delicately balancing the coffin on their shoulders” (which you can watch here).

Mourners, in this case the family of a local farmer who died of cancer at the age of 72, accompany the ritual, which is intended to take the sting out of grief. Some clap and dance along, while others weep and even spray beer over the coffin.

“The death of my grandfather Marcelino Jamanca hurts us a lot, it hurts to know that we will never see him again, but we want to remember him with joy, happy as he was and with what he loved the most, music,” his granddaughter, Grace Florentine, told AFP.

The practice is relatively new in Peru but is catching on in several cities. The owner of a local funeral parlour that pioneered the trend told AFP that “it started about eight years ago in Huacho, where funerals tend to be more festive than solemn”. “We try to give the best experience to the bereaved family members,” Alex Canales explained.

From Huacho, a Peruvian city of 171,000 inhabitants, the practice has spread to other parts of the South American country. Alex’s funeral parlour alone now performs around 20 such funerals a month, at a cost of around €100 per ceremony.

Read Also: Ossadas desconhecidas encontradas em campa antes de funeral em Cantanhede (Portuguese version)

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