
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Decent and polite". Friend talks about suspect of trying to kill Fico

"He is a decent and educated man. A good worker," said a friend of Juraj Cintula, who is suspected of attempting to kill the Slovak prime minister.

"Decent and polite". Friend talks about suspect of trying to kill Fico
Notícias ao Minuto

23:56 - 17/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Eslováquia

A friend of Juraj Cintula, the man suspected of trying to kill Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, has described him as "a decent and polite man" and said he was "shocked and bewildered" by the crime.

"He's a good friend", Mile L'Udovit, 71, told Sky News. "He's a decent and polite man. A good worker. His wife is a teacher and his children are good. He had a good reputation. Everything was OK."

The British broadcaster said Mr L'Udovit and Cintula, also 71, have known each other for nearly 40 years, since they moved into the same block of flats in the town of Handlova.

"Nobody expected something like this to happen. Nobody could imagine it. It's the worst thing", he said.

"I spoke to him on Monday and we were laughing, like neighbours do. It's very unpleasant," he added.

Cintula's friend said he was "shocked and bewildered" by the crime and said his neighbour now "will either die or be sentenced to life in prison". "It will be very difficult for his family," he said.

Asked what might have motivated Cintula to carry out the attack, Mr L'Udovit said: "I can't really say. We took politics as something we could laugh about. But we had our own opinions - he had his, I had mine.

"He was against certain acts of the government and his opinions were quite different. But what was going on in his head? Honestly, nobody knows," he said.

Autor de ataque a Fico será um homem de 71 anos. O que se sabe até agora

Autor de ataque a Fico será um homem de 71 anos. O que se sabe até agora

O suspeito foi identificado como Juraj C., um homem de 71 anos, escritor e poeta, membro da Associação de Escritores Eslovacos.

Márcia Guímaro Rodrigues | 17:11 - 15/05/2024

The Slovak prime minister was left seriously injured after being shot following a government meeting at the House of Culture in the town of Handlova. He underwent further surgery on Friday but remains in a serious condition.

Read more: Fico novamente operado. Continua em estado muito grave (Portuguese version)

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