
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Far-right meets in Madrid with Milei as guest

The European radical right meets today and Sunday in Madrid at a convention of the Vox party and the European Parliament's Conservatives and Reformists group, which has as a special guest the president of Argentina, Javier Milei.

Far-right meets in Madrid with Milei as guest
Notícias ao Minuto

06:05 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Espanha

This meeting of "patriotic movements and leaders", as defined by Vox, the far-right Spanish party, is taking place during the pre-campaign for the June European Parliament elections, and the electoral manifesto of the Conservatives and Reformists (ERC) will be presented this afternoon in Madrid. Among others, those who will be in Madrid and will speak at the convention on Sunday are the Spaniard Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, the Portuguese André Ventura (Chega), the French Marine Le Pen (National Union), and the former Prime Minister of Poland Mateuwsz Morawiecki (Law and Justice, PiS). There will also be speeches, but by videoconference, by the Prime Ministers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni (Brothers of Italy), and Hungary, Viktor Orbán (Fidesz). These parties are not all affiliated with the same group in the European Parliament, being divided between the ERC (Vox, Brothers of Italy, PiS and, foreseeably, after the elections, Fidesz) and Identity and Democracy (ID, of Chega and National Union). All these forces are considered to be radical right, far right or conservative nationalists, with speeches often described by opponents and academics as xenophobic, focused on immigration and border control, among other issues. "This convention will place special emphasis on the importance of cooperation between different groups in the European Parliament, with the aim of forming an alternative to the centralist and socialist drift of the former majority [in the European Parliament]", reads a statement from Vox. In addition to the European leaders, the "Viva Europa 2024" convention will be attended by the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, the former President of Chile Jose Antonio Kast, and the Israeli Minister for the Fight against Anti-Semitism, Amichai Chikli. Vox highlighted, in the same statement, that Milei had already been at the party's annual convention in Madrid in 2022, while still a presidential candidate, and that Abascal was one of the guests at the inauguration of the current President of Argentina in December 2023, in Buenos Aires. Regarding the presence of Minister Amichai Chikli, "it ratifies Vox's commitment to Israel in the face of the threat to the entire international community represented by Hamas", wrote the party, referring to the Islamist group that has controlled the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip since 2007. In the case of André Ventura, Vox recalled that he was in Spain at the party's conventions in 2021 and 2022 and that Abascal participated in Chega's campaign for the Portuguese legislative elections last March. Milei arrived in Madrid on Friday and has no meetings scheduled with Spanish authorities on this first trip to the country after taking office as President of Argentina. The Argentine government explained that Milei will return to Spain in June and will then request official audiences with King Felipe VI and Prime Minister, the socialist Pedro Sánchez. Earlier this month, a Spanish minister, Oscar Puente, suggested in a public statement that Milei uses drugs, prompting a protest from the Argentine government. Puente later qualified his statements and the Argentine government considered the controversy to be resolved after a statement from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the historical ties of friendship between the two countries. The speeches by international leaders at Vox's convention this weekend will all be on Sunday. Today, the work focuses on round tables organized by the ECR, which have themes such as "The Future of Europe", "Media and Political Power" and "Voices of Freedom Against the Criminal Left".
Read Also: Italian government increases pressure on freedom of the press (Portuguese version)

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