
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Rwanda to boost military contingent in Cabo Delgado

Rwanda is reinforcing the current contingent of 2,500 soldiers fighting the insurgent groups in Cabo Delgado, announced the Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, who met on Friday in Kigali with his Rwandan counterpart.

Rwanda to boost military contingent in Cabo Delgado
Notícias ao Minuto

12:47 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Ruanda

"This week more troops will disembark, not to replace [rotate the military], but to increase the flow. And this is above all because of the departure of SAMIM [military mission of the Southern African countries], and when they leave the Macomia area definitively, we will occupy it", said Filipe Nyusi, in statements to journalists during the assessment of the visit he made to Rwanda until Friday.

"Not because Mozambique cannot [ensure defense], but terrorism is not fought alone. But the greater responsibility is of the Mozambicans", emphasized Nyusi, who also met in Kigali, on this visit, with the president of TotalEnergies, Patrick Pouyanné.

The French oil company suspended in 2021, due to attacks by insurgent groups, the $20 billion natural gas mega-project in Palma, Cabo Delgado (about 18.6 billion euros), and for Filipe Nyusi, who transmitted to the leader of TotalEnergies the decision to reinforce the Rwandan contingent, which guarantees security in that area, the doubt is not "if [the project] will resume, but when".

"It was completely certain that Rwanda cooperates with the country, it does not cooperate with people. And the greatest pride we would have would be to leave things well done so that it can continue", said Filipe Nyusi, alluding to the electoral cycle of Mozambique, which will hold general elections on October 9, including presidential elections, which the current head of state can no longer run for because he has reached the limit of two terms.

Cabo Delgado has been facing an armed rebellion since October 2017 with attacks claimed by movements associated with the extremist group Islamic State, fought since 2021 with the support of the military from Rwanda and the countries of Southern Africa, the latter in the process of withdrawing from the field since April, to be concluded by next July.

The Ministry of National Defense confirmed on May 10 a "terrorist attack", during the early hours of the morning, on the town of Macomia, ensuring that one of the leaders of the group was injured by the Mozambican Defense Armed Forces (FADM) and another killed.

"The attack lasted about 45 minutes and the terrorists were promptly repelled by the coordinated action of our forces, which forced the enemy to retreat, towards the interior of the administrative post of Mucojo", he said in a statement.

The ministry added that the attack took place around 04:45 local time (03:45 in Lisbon) and that, in the "confrontation", the FADM "captured a terrorist and injured one of the leaders, known as 'Issa', who managed to escape, with no record of deaths or injuries on the part of the Armed Forces".

"Later, the captured terrorist died from serious injuries", he said.

The President of Mozambique had already confirmed, at the end of the morning of May 10, this attack on the district headquarters of Macomia, explaining that it happened in an area previously controlled by the military of the SAMIM mission.

"It is true that it is an area occupied by our brothers who support us, in retreat. But those who are on the ground are 100% Mozambicans. Maybe there could be a reinforcement (...). As they are leaving, I hope we can organize ourselves better, because the transition time gives that", recognized Filipe Nyusi, praising the ongoing intervention of the Mozambican military.

Read Also: Man on the run for 30 years arrested for involvement in the Rwandan genocide (Portuguese version)

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