
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Far right wants to “reorient the EU” on policies such as immigration

Leaders of the radical right from various countries met today in Madrid with calls for a mobilization in the European elections in June that would allow "reorienting the European Union" in policies such as immigration.

Far right wants to “reorient the EU” on policies such as immigration
Notícias ao Minuto

18:11 - 19/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Direita

The Spaniard Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, the Portuguese André Ventura (Chega), the French Marine Le Pen (National Union), the Italian Giorgia Meloni (Brothers of Italy) and the Hungarian Viktor Orbán (Fidesz) were some of the European politicians who repeated the same appeals in Madrid today, in speeches in which they highlighted immigration and border control, which they believe should be reinforced. The Migration and Asylum Pact recently approved by the European institutions was one of the focuses of criticism, with Marine Le Pen considering that it was "imposed by technocrats" from Brussels and associating immigration with crime and insecurity. "Massive illegal immigration brings massive crime, insecurity, business for NGOs [non-governmental organizations", also said Santiago Abascal, the host of the Madrid meeting, which was organized by Vox and the Reformists and Conservatives group (ECR) in the European Parliament (EP). Georgia Meloni, who is the Prime Minister of Italy and spoke at the convention by videoconference, considered that the EU's resources and policies should be channeled to "defending its own external borders instead of forcing its citizens to welcome masses of immigrants against their will", insisting on agreements with third countries on this matter. Marine Le Pen called for a vote for these right-wing parties, considering that "it is time to reorient Europe", and Meloni considered the June elections decisive to "change the current majority" in the European Parliament, regretting the frequent alliance of the center-right with the left to approve immigration policies, but also others related to climate change, the environment or agriculture. "There is a cowardly and fraudulent 'rightist'", said Santiago Abascal several times in the closing speech of the convention, thus verbalizing the various criticisms that were made at the meeting to formations such as the Spanish and European Popular Party, which, according to the leader of Vox, make agreements with the left and vote alongside the socialists in 90% of the cases in the European Parliament. In addition to immigration, other targets of today's speeches in Madrid were "gender ideology", which these political leaders consider to be being imposed throughout Europe, and the defense of the "traditional values and Christian roots" of the European continent, which they say are threatened. The parties that were represented today in Madrid are not all affiliated with the same group in the European Parliament, being divided between the ERC (Vox, Brothers of Italy and, foreseeably, after the elections, Fidesz) and Identity and Democracy (ID, from Chega and National Union). All these forces are considered to be radical right, extreme right or conservative nationalists, with speeches frequently described by opponents and academics as xenophobic and anti-European, focused on immigration and border control, among other issues. On the stage of the Vox convention, there were successive appeals for unity between the two groups in the EP, precisely with the aim of "changing the current majority" mentioned by Meloni, formed by the socialists, populars (right) and liberals. The leader of Chega, André Ventura, told Portuguese journalists in Madrid that this year all these political forces "are fighting throughout Europe in the same direction" and that ECR and ID have "increasingly close bridges", with the aim of building "a large majority" in the next European Parliament "against the green agenda and in defense of agriculture" and in "defense of a stronger justice" and of "borders against illegal immigration". Before the Vox convention, which brought together 10,800 people, according to the party, Ventura also defended a European Union with "strong borders" and without "massive entry of Islamic and Muslim immigrants". The Vox convention had as a special guest a non-European politician: the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, who made the speech most applauded by the audience and in which he attacked "the cursed and cancerous socialism". Milei said that it is necessary to "remove the parasitic State from people's lives and let them be free", without being told what to eat or where to study, and asked that there be no opening to the "pantomime of progressives" and to the "left-handed", in a reference to the left. While the Vox convention was taking place, about a thousand people demonstrated "against fascism" in the center of Madrid, kilometers away from the meeting of the radical European right.
Read Also: Radical right meets in Madrid with Milei as a guest (Portuguese version)

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