
  • 04 JULHO 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 33º

Joe Biden says he supports 'peaceful protests', insists on two states

US President Joe Biden said today that he supports "nonviolent peaceful protests" following a wave of anti-Gaza war protests on college campuses across the United States in recent weeks.

Joe Biden says he supports 'peaceful protests', insists on two states
Notícias ao Minuto

18:15 - 19/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo EUA

"I support peaceful, nonviolent protests. Your voices need to be heard and I promise you I hear them," the US head of state said during the graduation ceremony at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, quoted by the France-Presse (AFP) news agency.
During the speech, a student turned his back on Joe Biden, in the only incident in a ceremony that took place without a hitch. The students of this university, traditionally with an African-American culture, had asked the management to cancel the speech by the President of the country, whom they pointed the finger at for supporting Israel. In his speech, which lasted about half an hour, Joe Biden called for a ceasefire in Gaza, the return of the Israeli hostages and said he was working for "a lasting peace" in the region. "I am working to ensure that we finally have a two-state solution, the only solution for the peoples to live in security and with dignity", he said, adding that the situation in the Middle East is "one of the most difficult and complex problems in the world". In Morehouse, where Joe Biden wanted to pay tribute to the hero of the civil rights movement Martin Luther King Jr, who studied there, some students pointed out that this former student opposed the war, including the conflict in Vietnam. For about a month, several universities in the United States have been the scene of pro-Palestine protests, pointed out by some national media as the most important student movement in the country in decades. Initially silent, Joe Biden insisted that "order must prevail" on American campuses, where the police have already interrupted student camps. On the Democratic side, there are fears that US support for Israel could cause the candidate to lose votes from young people and supporters of the Palestinian cause in the November elections. Polls quoted by AFP show increased difficulties for Biden in winning the support of black voters and young Americans, two groups that are fundamental to victory in 2020 and that could be decisive in keeping the Democrat in the White House.
Read Also: Biden is concerned about the effect of inflation on his popularity (Portuguese version)

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