
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Ethiopia to reshuffle cabinet (including Defense)

Ethiopia's prime minister announced a Cabinet reshuffle today that included replacing Defense Minister Abraham Belay with Aisha Mohammed, who previously held the post in 2018, without giving a reason for the change.

Ethiopia to reshuffle cabinet (including Defense)
Notícias ao Minuto

15:46 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Etiópia

Abiy Ahmed’s office said in a brief statement on his Facebook page that the reshuffle also affected the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, which will now be led by the former defense minister in a swap of roles.

In addition, Mohammed Endris, who was previously head of the Ethiopian Diaspora Agency, has been appointed state minister for the Center for Democracy Building Coordination, a position he will hold with the rank of minister.

Ethiopia has been suffering from increasing violence, despite a peace deal signed in 2022 with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which ended a war that began in November 2020 between that group and Ethiopian federal forces in the northern Tigray region.

UN experts warned in September 2023 that despite the deal, violence in the country had reached “near-unprecedented levels,” with “alarming reports of serious violations against civilians” in Tigray and the neighboring Amhara region, also in the north of the country.

The Ethiopian government declared a state of emergency in Amhara in August 2023, after months of clashes between security forces and the Fano militia, which fought alongside Amhara forces during the war against the TPLF, and on occasion against Ethiopian federal forces.

Tensions have been rising over the authorities’ decision to disarm regional special forces — including the once-powerful Amhara forces — as part of the peace process with the TPLF. Many members of those forces have joined the Fano militia and have been targeting the army and local officials over the decision.

Read Also: Ethiopia visa restrictions due to lack of cooperation in readmitting illegal immigrants (Portuguese version)

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