
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Argentina rejects diplomatic problem with Spain

Argentina dismissed today the possibility of a diplomatic issue with Spain because of "a matter between two people", even though they are the leaders of the governments of both countries.

Argentina rejects diplomatic problem with Spain
Notícias ao Minuto

17:54 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Argentina

"Don't insist on the diplomatic issue because there is no diplomatic issue here. Relations between peoples and diplomacy between peoples are far above the differences that may exist between two people, including two presidents", said the spokesman for the Argentine Presidency, Manuel Ardoni, at a press conference in Buenos Aires, in response to several questions from journalists.

The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, referred on Sunday, in Madrid, at a convention of the far-right party Vox, to "cursed and cancerous socialism", before adding: "What a bunch of people screwed to power and what levels of abuse it can generate. Even when you have a corrupt woman, let's say dirty, and you take five days to think about it".

The socialist Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain, said at the end of April that he was considering resigning, citing attacks on his family, especially his wife, based on disinformation campaigns. After five days of reflection, he decided to remain in office.

The Spanish Government said that Milei insulted the Prime Minister and Spain, considered it unacceptable that he had done so during a visit to the country and announced the withdrawal of the Spanish ambassador in Buenos Aires.

Pedro Sánchez himself defended today that respect between governments of two countries "is essential", accused Javier Milei of not having lived up to the position during his visit to Madrid and asked for a "public rectification" from the President of Argentina.

The Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, summoned the Argentine ambassador in Madrid, Roberto Bosch, today to formally convey the demand for a public apology.

"We do not think that what happened has anything to do with diplomatic relations, it is a matter between two people", said the spokesman for the Argentine Presidency, Manuel Ardoni, several times at today's conference in Buenos Aires.

Ardoni said that Milei has been the target of a "cascade of insults" by Spanish ministers and even by Sánchez, who have already accused the President of Argentina of "consuming substances", denialism, "attacking democracy", having a "government of hate" and authoritarianism.

Despite this, Argentina has never questioned diplomatic relations with Spain, stressed Manuel Ardoni, who considered that a "diplomatic reaction" by Madrid would be "absolutely irrational".

The President of Argentina "would never put any diplomatic relations with any country at risk", said Manuel Ardoni, who added that in his speech on Sunday, Milei - and unlike the Spanish ministers - did not even mention the name of Sánchez or his wife.

The spokesman appealed "to reflection" and said that it is Madrid that owes an apology to Milei.

"It is striking that relations between two countries historically twinned are put under strain because of an ill-considered decision", he said, referring to the withdrawal of the Spanish ambassador from Buenos Aires, adding that Argentina trusts "in the reestablishment" of relations after the European elections in June, which, in Buenos Aires' understanding, is motivating Madrid's reaction.

As for Javier Milei himself, he has only referred to this controversy, so far, in a brief post on the social network X, this morning, when he returned to Argentina, in which he wrote: "Hello everyone! The lion is back, surfing a wave of socialist tears... Long live freedom, f***!"

In Spain, the Popular Party (PP, right-wing, in opposition) considered Milei's speech "shocking" and "an interference in national politics", but defended that the Government and Sánchez are "exaggerating a lot".

For the PP, both Sánchez and Milei have entered a "verbal escalation that leads nowhere".

Spain's largest employers' association, CEOE, also condemned Milei's statements, as did companies such as BBVA, Santander, Telefonica and Iberia.

Read Also: From the "corrupt woman"... to the crisis. What is happening between Spain and Argentina? (Portuguese version)

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