
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Middle East? Students protesting invade UPorto’s Faculty of Sciences

About 50 students today gathered since the early afternoon in a demonstration at the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto (UPorto) invaded, at 8:00 pm, the facilities, in response to the "intransigent position" of the director.

Middle East? Students protesting invade UPorto’s Faculty of Sciences
Notícias ao Minuto

20:31 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

País Israel/Palestina

Around 7:30 pm, a group of students met with Ana Cristina Freire, the dean of the faculty, to try to reach an understanding that would lead UPorto to sever ties with Israel, following the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Minutes after the spokesperson, Tomás Nery, announced over a loudspeaker to the approximately 100 students gathered that the dean had told them to "get out of here", the protesters advanced into the faculty, whose garden they have occupied since Thursday.

According to Tomás Nery, in a meeting held on Sunday with the dean, the protesters were informed that they had to leave by 8:00 pm today, a scenario that, given the latest developments, he assured they would refuse.

Five PSP officers arrived at the faculty around 8:30 pm, immediately heading inside the building.

This fact was used by the students to reoccupy the building, now spreading out through the faculty corridors.

Singing "what a shame it must be, to defend genocide to have something to eat", the students maintained a defiant stance, with some announcing that they would only leave the building after speaking with the dean.

At 8:55 pm, the PSP officers remained inside the building, allegedly in a meeting with the dean.

[News updated at 9:22 pm]

Read Also: Teachers appeal for non-use of police against pro-Palestinian students (Portuguese version)

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