
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"I'm in another league". Milei attacks and calls Sánchez a "coward"

Argentina's president has again lashed out at his Spanish counterpart, saying he "gets under women's skirts" and will not apologize "under any circumstances" for the alleged diplomatic crisis.

"I'm in another league". Milei attacks and calls Sánchez a "coward"
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11:22 - 21/05/24 por Daniela Carrilho

Mundo Milei

The end of the diplomatic crisis between the governments of Spain and Argentina seems far away. Javier Milei has attacked again and, after returning to his home country after his trip to Madrid, said he felt "attacked" by Pedro Sánchez, accusing him of being a "coward". "Pedro Sánchez hides under women's skirts. He's such a coward that he had to send women to beat me up", Milei said in an interview with the television channel Todo Noticias (TN), referring to the statements made against him by the second vice-president of the Spanish government, Yolanda Díaz, and by the vice-president of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant. The Argentine leader called Pedro Sánchez's wife a ""corrupt woman"" during a speech at a far-right convention in Madrid. The Spanish government reacted and demanded that the president withdraw the "very serious" accusations and publicly apologize to Pedro Sánchez and his wife, Begoña Gómez, considering it to be "unprecedented in the history of international relations". Milei justifies that he "did not refer to anyone" and that Sánchez "incriminated himself". "I will not apologize to him under any circumstances, if I was the one who was attacked. Everyone talks about his wife's corruption cases due to influence peddling and they have even 'squeezed' a judge, he is involved", Milei said. On Monday, Sánchez asked for a "public rectification" from Milei due to the statements that he considered insulting, announcing the withdrawal of the country's ambassador in Buenos Aires. "The response of the Government of Spain will be in accordance with the dignity that represents Spanish democracy and with the bonds of brotherhood that unite Spain and Argentina, currently presided over by a President who, unfortunately, did not live up to his statements", said the Spanish leader. On the contrary, the spokesman for the presidency of Argentina, Manuel Adorni, demanded that Spain apologize "sincerely" after treating Milei "as a villain, a negationist, a 'substance user', an authoritarian, an anti-democrat and a 'very bad' person".
Argentina exige a Espanha pedido de desculpas ao Presidente Javier Milei

Argentina exige a Espanha pedido de desculpas ao Presidente Javier Milei

O porta-voz da presidência da Argentina, Manuel Adorni, exigiu que o Governo de Espanha peça "sinceras desculpas" ao Presidente argentino Javier Milei, para pôr fim a um conflito diplomático.

Lusa | 06:14 - 20/05/2024

"Relationships are not built by leaders, they are built by the people"

Still, during the interview with TN, Milei sought to once again ease a possible rupture in diplomatic relations with Spain, ensuring that "the relationship will not be touchy".

"Relationships are not built by leaders, they are built by the people. We receive a lot of immigration from Spain and no one will be able to break this connection. Reality itself will prevail", he argued.

Javier Milei was optimistic about the result of his trip to Spain and pointed out: "It showed that I am the greatest exponent of freedom in the world. I am in another league, where I will cause an earthquake".

It is worth remembering that Milei arrived in Madrid on Friday and returned to Argentina on Sunday, after participating in the Vox convention.

It was the first trip he made to Spain after taking office as president, but he did not meet with any authorities in the country, intending to return to the country in June, when he will request official hearings.

Read Also: From the "corrupt woman"... to the crisis. What is happening between Spain and Argentina? (Portuguese version)

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