
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Lula suggests the creation of a fund to help in the reconstruction of southern Brazil

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva suggested the creation of an international fund that would get big polluters to contribute to the recovery of Rio Grande do Sul, the Brazilian state devastated by floods.

Lula suggests the creation of a fund to help in the reconstruction of southern Brazil
Notícias ao Minuto

17:43 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Brasil

"This disaster in Rio Grande do Sul happened and, instead of regretting it, we have to move forward and try to say that we'll recover Rio Grande do Sul, that there will be no shortage of resources to help Rio Grande do Sul. And, who knows, Aloísio Mercadante [President of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development] or any other bank will propose the creation of an international fund so that the people who pollute the planet can give money to help recover Rio Grande do Sul", said the Brazilian President.

"The recovery of Rio Grande do Sul is the possibility of making the economy grow even more. If nature is revolted against us and it did that, we have to try to tell nature that we'll try to do the right thing", he added.

Lula da Silva was speaking at a meeting with entrepreneurs from the steel sector to announce measures for the sector, in which he took the opportunity to reinforce the appeal for support for Rio Grande do Sul, a Brazilian state that has been devastated by the rains since the end of April.

The entrepreneurs announced 18 billion euros in investments as a counterpart to the Brazilian Government's decision, made in April, to establish a quota for steel imports and raise the import tax on the product above this quota to 25%.

According to experts consulted by Lusa, the climate changes caused by pollution and global warming are directly related to the increase and incidence and intensity of extreme events such as the one happening in the south of Brazil.

According to the latest bulletin released by the Brazilian authorities, the rains have already caused at least 162 deaths in the southern region of the country. Of this total, 161 deaths were confirmed in Rio Grande do Sul and one death in the state of Santa Catarina.

In Rio Grande do Sul, there are over 72 thousand people housed in public shelters because they lost their homes and another 581 thousand are displaced (living with relatives or friends) due to the rains that affect the entire state, and that affected at least 2.3 million people living in 464 cities.

Read Also: Lula da Silva condemns operation in Rafah and accuses Israel of killing children (Portuguese version)

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