
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Milei's Government Temporarily Suspends 'Sites' and Social Networks

The Government of Argentine President Javier Milei has temporarily suspended the "sites" and social networks of Argentina's public media, official sources reported today.

Milei's Government Temporarily Suspends 'Sites' and Social Networks
Notícias ao Minuto

21:34 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Argentina

According to a statement from the state media regulator appointed by the Government, Diego Martín Chaher, "only the Digital and Institutional Media Manager" will be in charge of using the networks of Televisión Pública and Radio Nacional, "within the framework of the reorganization and restructuring process" of the media and to "standardize the distribution criteria" of information. The measure came into effect today at 00:00 (04:00 Lisbon time) and affected the digital portal and social networks of Televisión Pública, Radio Nacional, the music channels FM Clásica, Rock and Folclórica and the thematic channels Encuentro (cultural) and Paka Paka (children's). "All types of transmission and/or broadcasting of content on social networks are suspended until the changes in criteria are defined," the statement added. The message that appears on the aforementioned websites is identical to the one published last March on the digital page of Télam, the state news agency, which was then closed by the Government because, according to it, "it was used in recent decades as a Kirchnerist propaganda agency", referring to Néstor Kirchner, President of the Argentine Republic between 2003 and 2007, who was succeeded in office by his wife, Cristina Kirchner, from 2007 to 2015. The secretary of the Buenos Aires Press Union (SiPreBA), Agustín Lecchi, told the Spanish news agency Efe that this measure deepens "the emptying" of the public media in Argentina, a process that began with the measures taken by the executive in relation to Télam. "They are not interested in restructuring, they are not interested in the financial situation of each of these media, and some of them were profitable and had a good economic situation. The only thing they are interested in is destroying, they are attacking the social role [of the media] and that is why they attacked the Télam delegations and the Radio Nacional stations, and now they are attacking their reach through social networks," he said. For Lecchi, this is "another escalation in the destruction", while the "framework law", the emblematic project of the Argentine Government, is in the Senate committees waiting to be discussed in plenary, after its approval by the Chamber of Deputies, and, if approved, provides for the privatization of public media. "Indirectly, it has an impact on all workers, because it affects expression on social networks," added the union leader, noting that communication with the authorities is "unproductive and useless" and informing that the union is preparing legal actions against these decisions. On February 5, the Milei Government published in the Official Gazette the intervention for one year - renewable - in the state media, within the framework of its policy of "reorganization of public companies". The digital portal, Radio Nacional, Televisión Pública, the news agency Télam and the specialized public content channels (Encuentro, Paka Paka, Depor TV, ACUA Mayor and ACUA Federal) are part of the Government's list.
Read Also: Ambassador 'leaves' and Milei says: "Typical nonsense of an arrogant socialist" (Portuguese version)

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