
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"I thought I'd better try". Man saves 11-month-old baby from burning house

The case happened in Cleveland, in the United States.

"I thought I'd better try". Man saves 11-month-old baby from burning house
Notícias ao Minuto

23:24 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo EUA

A 62-year-old man saved the life of an 11-month-old baby from a burning home.

The incident happened in Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday morning when John Stickovich was driving on West 102nd Street and saw the fire.

The fire started around 9:30 a.m. and by the time firefighters arrived on scene - after Stickovich had already gotten there - the three-story home was engulfed in flames.

A woman and her 11-month-old twins were inside the home when the fire started. The mother was able to escape the house with one of the babies, but the other was still inside.

When Stickovich learned that there was still a child inside the home, he went in to try to save her. "I figured I better try. Nobody else was there with me. No kid should ever die in a fire, ever," he told local TV station News 5. He described what happened: "The smoke was so thick. I was about ready to leave and I heard a baby cry right in front of me. I jumped over, I grabbed a hold of an arm and I pulled it out and brought it with me."

The mother, the babies and Stickovich were all taken to a local hospital, where they were treated for their injuries.

The local fire department credited Stickovich's actions with preventing a tragedy. "I think he saved that child's life. He put himself in harm's way, he went into that house to get that baby out. He did a fantastic job," said Mike Norman, a spokesperson for the Cleveland Fire Department.

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