
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Donald Trump's campaign organization accepts donations in cryptocurrency

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign organization said Tuesday it would accept donations in digital currency as part of what it called building a “digital army” leading up to Election Day.

Donald Trump's campaign organization accepts donations in cryptocurrency
Notícias ao Minuto

06:32 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo EUA

The Trump campaign has launched a fundraising page that allows “any federally permissible donor the ability to give” to his political committees in any digital currency, also known as cryptocurrency, accepted by the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase.

The move signals that Trump is embracing cryptocurrency as a way to appeal to younger men who increasingly use digital assets.

The currencies can be used to make purchases online without relying on the banking system.

The Trump campaign is accepting established digital currencies including Bitcoin, Ether and USD Coin, as well as lesser-known ones that have gained popularity through association with internet memes, like Shiba Inu Coin and Dogecoin.

Billionaire Elon Musk, for example, has been a vocal fan of both.

It’s not immediately clear whether the Trump campaign will hold onto the cryptocurrency it receives or immediately sell it.

While the campaign says it will follow election laws, the anonymous nature of digital currencies can make it difficult to confirm the source of the funds.

In traditional currency, the Democratic National Committee reported Monday that Joe Biden’s campaign raised more than $51 million in April, trailing the $76 million that Trump’s campaign said it took in during the same month.

Read Also: Biden and Trump win US primaries in Kentucky (Portuguese version)

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