
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Palestine hopes recognition of its state will bring new "support"

The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Riyad Mansour, today expressed his hope that the imminent recognition of the State of Palestine by Spain, Norway and Ireland will be followed by "other waves of support".

Palestine hopes recognition of its state will bring new "support"
Notícias ao Minuto

16:37 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Palestina

For Mansour, who spoke at the entrance of the Security Council, this recognition announced today by the three European countries is "an investment in peace and [serves to] save the two-state solution" - the Israeli and the Palestinian -, and it is in Israel's interest "to learn the lessons and listen to this massive international outcry".

However, he regretted that Israel not only does not listen to these voices, but also "walks in the opposite direction, challenging everyone, attacking everyone and insulting everyone", starting with the United Nations institutions.

But, with today's announcement, it is clear "who is on the right side of History and who is on the wrong side", Mansour advocated.

The diplomat said he was convinced that there are only a few obstacles left to achieve full recognition of his State, arguing that "it is a matter of time".

With his words, Mansour alluded not only to the bilateral recognition of Palestine, but also to its admission to the UN as a full member, a status that was recently rejected in the Security Council with the sole veto of the United States.

The governments of Spain, Ireland and Norway announced today that they will formalize the recognition of the State of Palestine next Tuesday, May 28.

The announcement was welcomed by Palestinian leaders and criticized by the Israeli government, which called its ambassadors in the three countries and summoned their counterparts in Jerusalem.

Spain, Norway and Ireland join the 137 members of the United Nations that recognize the State of Palestine.

Malta and Slovenia also said they may take this step soon. For its part, France considers that there are no "conditions" that lead to such recognition.

Portugal maintains the willingness to recognize Palestine, but is trying to obtain the greatest possible consensus among the members of the European Union (EU), a source from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Lusa today.

Read Also: Germany defends that "there are no shortcuts" to a two-state solution (Portuguese version)

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