
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

"Sexist". Woman gets 'upgraded' on plane after relationship ends on holiday

A woman has taken to Reddit to share how she was subjected to something users have branded "sexist". Read the woman's story, who ended up in a relationship while looking after her partner's son.

"Sexist". Woman gets 'upgraded' on plane after relationship ends on holiday
Notícias ao Minuto

19:51 - 23/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Reddit

A woman took to Reddit to share an incident that happened to her on a flight, and many users are "flying" to her defense. The
thread is on a subreddit called "Am I the A**hole?" which is a place for people to ask others if they were in the wrong in a given situation. In this case, a woman's trip led to the end of her relationship with a man, who she refers to as Matt. She explained that the couple went on a trip and brought along Matt's son from a previous relationship, who she calls Alex. However, it was this trip that led to the demise of their relationship. "The flights were about eight hours long and I had booked all three of our tickets. I ended up taking care of Alex the entire flight and vacation while Matt enjoyed himself. There were a few other red flags that came up — namely, he was still in contact with his ex — which led to us breaking up at the end of the trip," she explained, noting that they had been dating for about a year. On the flight home, a flight attendant approached Matt and asked if he wanted to upgrade to business class, which would have given him more comfortable seating, as they were flying economy. "The flight attendant assumed I was Alex's mom, but I told him I wasn't and ended up taking the upgrade and enjoying the flight," she said, noting that she explained to the employee that she had booked the flights. She said some of the passengers made the same assumption as the flight attendant, that she was the child's mother, though she didn't go into detail about what kind of situations led her to believe they thought that — and judged her. On Reddit, many users defended the woman's actions, with some even suggesting that the flight attendant's choice to ask the man was sexist. "I don't understand why so many people think Matt deserved the upgrade when he didn't pay for any of the tickets. And even if Alex was their child together, why would they assume it wouldn't be OK to leave him with his dad? I'm glad you took the upgrade," one user wrote. Another person added: "I'd also like to add that the flight attendant, and anyone else who was comfortable with the dad getting upgraded but not the 'mom,' was being incredibly sexist. If they assumed Alex was their child, why would they offer the upgrade to the dad? Unless they just assumed he wasn't the father." The story has received over 10,000 upvotes on Reddit since it was shared, with users commending the woman for advocating for herself and getting a more comfortable seat on the flight. Also Read: "I'm not going to fly for a while." What passengers say after turbulence (Portuguese version)

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