
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Sciences Po to prosecute 8 students over pro-Palestinian protest incident

The management of the Parisian school of Political Science, known as Sciences Po, has sent eight students to disciplinary proceedings, after the occupation of an amphitheater by about 300 supporters of the Palestinian cause.

Sciences Po to prosecute 8 students over pro-Palestinian protest incident
Notícias ao Minuto

20:52 - 23/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Sciences Po

The decision was announced today by an administrator of the institution and follows incidents that occurred after that occupation, on March 12.

The internal inquiry carried out in recent weeks, which led to 38 hearings of students, teachers and other workers, "allowed us to establish the occurrence of acts and situations contrary to the regulations and values of Sciences Po," said Jean Bassères, in a message released internally.

The incidents occurred within the framework of a "day of European university mobilization for Palestine".

"Among the acts were the occupation of the amphitheater, the control of a student at the entrance, statements of a discriminatory nature addressed to the Union of Jewish Students of France and other insults to Sciences Po and its employees and an act of intimidation of a teacher," he detailed.

Read also: Protesto de estudantes pró-Palestina paralisa universidade em Paris (Portuguese version)

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