
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Wall Street down despite good indicators for the American economy

The New York Stock Exchange closed lower today, reversing the day's trend halfway through the session, after the release of indicators that point to a rapidly recovering economy, which raised bond yields.

Wall Street down despite good indicators for the American economy
Notícias ao Minuto

23:10 - 23/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Wall Street

The final results of the session indicate that the selective Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.53%, the technological Nasdaq dropped 0.39% and the broad S&P500 lost 0.74%.

However, the stock market had started the day well, with investors in a good mood after the release of Nvidia's results, released after the close of trading the previous day, which supported a 9.32% appreciation today.

The semiconductor group, based in Santa Clara, California, confirmed to investors that the fever for artificial intelligence (AI), known as generative, a major consumer of its products, was intact.

Furthermore, Nvidia does not see it weakening and communicated forecasts much higher than those of analysts.

"This is all the more remarkable, as it was not enough" to keep the stock market in positive territory, noted Steve Sosnick of Interactive Brokers, "because the PMI indices gained the upper hand".

The composite index [which includes all sectors], established by S&P Global to measure economic activity in the US, came out in May at its highest level in the last 25 months.

If the services sector shone, the industry sector also showed a significant increase.

"These numbers told a story that investors didn't want to hear: that of a solid economy, likely to lead to higher prices," said Steve Sosnick.

This picture of the US economy reinforces the hypothesis of a continuation of an aggressive monetary policy, further postponing the Federal Reserve's reference interest rate cut.

"The bond market was the first to react, followed by the stock market," described Steve Sosnick. "It was a thought-provoking day, because nobody, I believe, was expecting such a strong drop after Nvidia's results".

The yield on 10-year federal bonds approached 4.50, settling at 4.47%, after 4.42% the previous day, at the close.

For Steve Sosnick, the Dow Jones' fall is the most representative of the market, since the Nasdaq limited the aggregate losses thanks to Nvidia, which masked the trend.

On Wednesday, after the end of the stock market session on Wall Street, Nvidia presented its quarterly accounts, which showed that its profit more than septupled that of a year ago, going from 2.04 billion dollars to 14.88 billion, while its turnover more than tripled, going from 7.19 billion to 26.04 billion.

Read Also: Wall Street follows in mixed terrain with the technology sector on the rise (Portuguese version)

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