
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Orbán accuses EU and NATO of preparing Europe to enter the war

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán accused the European Union (EU) and NATO on Tuesday of preparing Europe to enter the war in Ukraine, adding that he advocates for a peace agreement.

Orbán accuses EU and NATO of preparing Europe to enter the war
Notícias ao Minuto

09:53 - 24/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Guerra na Ucrânia

"What is happening now in Brussels and Washington is a kind of preparation of the atmosphere for a possible direct armed conflict. We could say that it is the preparation of Europe's entry into the war," Orbán said in statements to public radio Kossuth.

Both the EU and NATO have repeatedly stated that they do not seek a confrontation with Russia.

Orbán said that French President Emmanuel Macron stated that Russia could not win the war and that Poland plans to shoot down, with its own weapons, Russian missiles that attack civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

"This is a communication operation in preparation for a war action," said Orbán, also assuring that June 9 -- the date of the elections for the European Parliament -- will decide between peace and war.

The Hungarian Government, Moscow's closest ally in the EU, assures that it is in favor of a peace agreement with Russia, even if that means that Ukraine gives up the captured territory, and that it will not support an armed Ukraine.

Regarding the Atlantic Alliance, Orbán explained that "Hungary is the country that complies with the NATO statutes. NATO is a defense alliance and its statutes do not speak of military actions outside its territory".

NATO has operated several times outside its territory, in missions in Bosnia or Libya, some of them with the support of the United Nations, although the international legality of its attack on Serbian positions in 1999 during the conflict in Kosovo has been questioned.

The Hungarian Prime Minister - campaigning for his party in the European elections - said that "war planning is being developed at NATO headquarters".

For this reason, Orbán reiterated that he hopes that in the European elections citizens will send to the European Parliament deputies who are in favor of a peace agreement with Russia.

"This must be achieved and the same must happen in the United States elections" in November, he reiterated.

Read Also: Hungary criticizes the end of the "rule of law" procedure for Poland (Portuguese version)

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