
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

On this island in Japan, the guardians are cats (and there are more than humans)

At the 'Neko Jinja', or Cat Shrine, cats are seen as the guardian angels of Tashirojima.

Notícias ao Minuto

08:47 - 25/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Tashirojima

On Tashirojima, a tiny island off the northeastern coast of Japan, the local guardians are unlikely and outnumber the humans, who have created a sanctuary in their honor.

They are cats. At the Neko Jinja, or Cat Shrine, cats are revered as the guardian angels of Tashirojima.

Legend has it that the island was known for sericulture, and farmers kept cats because they would keep away mice that would otherwise eat the silkworms' cocoons, the Associated Press reported.

The island's fishermen also came to believe that cats brought good fortune, including plentiful catches of fish. But one day, a fisherman accidentally injured a cat while working. Feeling sorry for the injured feline, the islanders built the cat shrine.

Tashirojima is part of the city of Ishinomaki, in Miyagi prefecture in the Tohoku region, which became well-known after a tsunami devastated the area following a massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake on March 11, 2011.

More than 100 cats inhabit Tashirojima, along with about 50 humans, according to the city's website.

Along a paved road that runs about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) between the island's two ports, cats groom themselves and socialize.

There are a few cafes and guesthouses, but no car rentals, gas stations or public transportation. Visitors should be prepared to walk up and down the island's hills during their visit.

Most of the cats are accustomed to tourists, who can be seen petting the friendly felines all over the island.

See photos in the gallery above.

Read more: "Alguém se esqueceu?" Quatro gatos bebés abandonados em rua do Porto (Portuguese version)

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