
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Cabo Delgado. Government of Mozambique thanks the support of partners

Mozambique's Interior Minister Pascoal Ronda today thanked cooperation partners for their support in stabilising security and normalising life in Cabo Delgado, recognising "tangible results" in combating the insurgency.

Cabo Delgado. Government of Mozambique thanks the support of partners
Notícias ao Minuto

16:03 - 25/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Cabo Delgado

"Joint efforts in the fight against terrorism in Mozambique have produced tangible results", said Pascoal Ronda, quoted by Rádio Moçambique, during the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the African Union Peace and Security Council, in Tanzania.

The Minister of the Interior, who spoke on behalf of the Mozambican President, thanked the support and acknowledged the efforts of the African Union, Rwanda and the military mission of the Southern African countries in combating the insurgency in northern Mozambique.

"The Republic of Mozambique would like to acknowledge and thank the efforts undertaken by the African Union, together with SADC [Southern African Development Community], Rwanda and other cooperation partners for stabilizing the security situation and normalizing life in the north of Cabo Delgado province, resulting from terrorist actions", said the Mozambican minister.

Cabo Delgado has been facing an armed rebellion since October 2017 with attacks claimed by movements associated with the extremist group Islamic State, which has been fought since 2021 with the support of the military from Rwanda and the countries of southern Africa, the latter in the process of withdrawing from the field since April, to be concluded by next July.

For the Minister of the Interior of Mozambique, the departure of SADC military from Cabo Delgado province increases the responsibility of the Mozambican Defense and Security Forces in the fight against terrorism.

"Cooperation and coordination will continue to be the key factor for the success of this endeavor because, since terrorism is a global phenomenon, its combat requires the involvement of all in this collective effort", he added.

On Friday, the President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, said that violent extremism represents an "existential threat" to the Mozambican State, stating, however, that the insurgents no longer have any base in Cabo Delgado.

"Today, no district headquarters is occupied by terrorists. They no longer have a fixed base and several of their commanders and notorious leaders have been put out of action", said the Head of State.

The Ministry of National Defense confirmed on the 10th a "terrorist attack", during the early hours of the morning, on the village of Macomia, one of the largest in recent months in northern Mozambique, guaranteeing that one of the group's leaders was injured by the Armed Forces of Mozambique (FADM) and another killed.

The attack on Macomia caused, from May 10 to 14, almost 1,500 displaced people, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in addition to reports from the population about looting and ransacking of shops.

On Thursday, residents of Macomia reported to Lusa intense gunfire and fear in the forests of the administrative post of Mucojo, 40 kilometers from the district headquarters.

The situation mainly affects the peasants in the production areas of Nambine and Namigure, just over 10 kilometers from Mucojo, who, since the invasion by about a hundred insurgents in the headquarters town of Macomia, have witnessed daily shootings in those forests.

Read Also: Mozambique announces investment of more than 900 million in the Port of Pemba (Portuguese version)

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