
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Argentine President announces "significant reduction" in taxes

The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, today announced a "significant reduction" in taxes and extended a hand to the governors of the provinces, with whom he seeks to sign a pact of "national refoundation", so far without success.

Argentine President announces "significant reduction" in taxes
Notícias ao Minuto

23:53 - 25/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Javier Milei

In a speech in Córdoba (center of the country) on the National Day of the Fatherland, Milei extended a hand "in a brotherly way" to the provincial governors -- all from the opposition -- and especially to the local ones, to whom he reiterated the call to embrace a "framework law" and a fiscal package, promoted by his government to minimize the presence of the State in the country's economy.

Milei alluded to his speech of March 1 before Congress, at the beginning of the ordinary sessions, in which - he said today - he offered "without revenge or resentment" to the provincial governors an agreement to defend "the principles that made" the country.

"There can be no legitimate cause to oppose the sacred task of rebuilding the nation, there is no speculation or ambition that justifies the impoverishment of our nation," argued the ultra-liberal leader in the appeal for political support for the approval of the Framework Law and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines - better known as "framework law" or "omnibus law" -- and the fiscal package, both in parliamentary process.

Milei also associated the approval of the two regulations with a "significant reduction in taxes", starting with the so-called PAIS tax, which the President described as "distorting" and "that harms production and economic growth".

The tax for an Inclusive and Solidarity Argentina (PAIS) was created in 2019, during the administration of the Peronist government of Alberto Fernández (2019-2023), to tax the purchase of foreign currency.

According to Milei, "it will be difficult for the coffers", but his government has made "a commitment to the Argentine people" and, therefore, will advance in the fight to "remove the weight of the State from good Argentines".

Read Also: Javier Milei's trip to Spain? It was "a private visit" (Portuguese version)

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