
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Colombia and ELN Want to Include Victims of the Conflict in the Country in Negotiations

The Government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrilla group have pledged to include victims of the country's armed conflict in the peace talks, to be held in Venezuela.

Colombia and ELN Want to Include Victims of the Conflict in the Country in Negotiations
Notícias ao Minuto

06:47 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Colômbia

"We are committed to preparing and holding a meeting where the victims of the armed conflict, of sociopolitical and structural violence, of the territories and of the populations, present proposals that enrich the model, the plan, the recommendations for participation and its future developments", they said on Saturday.

The two parties stressed that the victims' organizations have generated a "very dynamic" social and political movement that, besides "fighting for dignity", recognition and reinforcement of their rights, "have proposals for the transformations of the political regime, of the economic model and environmental policy".

"We know that peace is not built on forgetting and impunity and that the voice of the victims is fundamental in this process and in the legitimacy of the agreements", stressed the joint statement, published on social network X (former Twitter).

The Government of Colombia and the ELN ended the most recent round of talks in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, with the signing of an agreement on the participation of citizens in the construction of peace agreements.

"This is already a consensus for the dialogue table and, therefore, in the search for the greatest possible participation for the necessary transformations, we are moving forward in an unprecedented historical process", said Rodrigo Botero, a member of the Government delegation.

The inclusion of citizens represents the first point of the six that both parties established in the agenda of the peace agreements, whose dialogue began about a year and a half ago.

"This agreement is a step forward and an important step towards a social and political alliance, towards a Great National Agreement, understood as a path and a route to eliminate political violence in Colombia and resolve the multiple problems that the country faces in order to move towards peace", says the document.

The agreement was signed despite the fact that last Monday the Colombian High Commissioner for Peace, Otty Patiño, assured that there would be no progress in the negotiations until the ELN committed to abandoning the kidnappings.

On May 7, the guerrilla announced that it would return to kidnappings for ransom purposes, accusing the Government of not fulfilling its promise to create a peace fund, with donations open to foreign countries.

Read Also: Former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe accused of bribing witnesses (Portuguese version)

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