
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

France debates euthanasia with different proposals on freedom of choice

French MPs start debating euthanasia legalisation on Monday, with the government seeking a balanced text and several lawmakers defending more freedom to choose death with dignity.

France debates euthanasia with different proposals on freedom of choice
Notícias ao Minuto

12:10 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Deputados

French President Emmanuel Macron has relaunched the debate in this second term with the aim of legalizing euthanasia, but only in very extreme cases, according to what was decided by a citizens' convention that a year ago agreed on a text aligned with the wishes of the head of state.

But in the legal committee, the government's bill underwent several changes and showed the lack of internal agreement between the parties and the division within Macron's own party.

Thus, the deputies most in favor of expanding euthanasia managed to introduce several changes that incited those who opposed this right and revived criticism from the Catholic Church, other religions and the health community.

Highlighted is the amendment promoted by deputies allied with Macron that extends the cases in which a patient can request the administration of a lethal substance.

The initial text reserved this measure for adult patients, capable of requesting it freely and consciously and suffering from "a serious and incurable disease whose short or medium-term vital prognosis is compromised" and for whom treatments cause "unbearable" suffering.

In the debates of the legal committee, the deputies managed to change this point of the law and allow euthanasia for patients with diseases "in an advanced or terminal stage".

A change welcomed by the Association for the Right to Die with Dignity but which, according to many deputies and health associations, leaves the field of application too open.

This change immediately caused division within Macron's party, between the most progressive and the most conservative currents, while the Minister of Health, Catherine Vautrin, promised to work so that during the parliamentary debate the initial "balance" is recovered.

Another change to the initial text concerns the administration of the lethal substance.

The government intended for the patients themselves to administer it, except in cases where they were unable to do so, but the committee's changes leave patients free to delegate the administration of that substance.

These changes meant that the final text had more support from left-wing groups, but more opposition from conservatives and the far right.

In addition, Macron's party, which no longer has a majority in the lower house, faces the debate divided, within the framework of a long legislative process that is expected to last until the summer of 2025.

Read Also: Woman with cancer undergoes euthanasia on a beach in New Zealand (Portuguese version)

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