
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Georgia eyes radical reforms ahead of crucial EU membership bid

Georgia's pro-Western President Salome Zurabishvili on Monday called for sweeping reforms ahead of crucial parliamentary elections, which are taking place amid a political crisis over a law on "foreign influence" she has vetoed.

Georgia eyes radical reforms ahead of crucial EU membership bid
Notícias ao Minuto

23:56 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Geórgia

Georgia should "create a new political reality," she said in a speech outside the presidential palace on Georgia's Independence Day. The head of state called on all pro-European political parties to back her initiative, forming a united opposition front ahead of parliamentary elections in October that are seen as crucial for Georgia's bid to join the European Union (EU). Zurabishvili also criticised several laws passed by the ruling Georgian Dream party, which she said were "harmful to Georgia's European path". "We must be able to open negotiations for EU membership as soon as possible," the president said ahead of the polls, seen as a key test of the South Caucasus nation's European aspirations. Several opposition parties have backed Zurabishvili's initiative against Georgian Dream, which they accuse of steering Georgia away from the EU and towards Russia. The ruling party holds a large majority in parliament and is expected next week to override the president's veto of a controversial "foreign influence" bill similar to one in force in Russia that requires any non-governmental organisation or media outlet receiving more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an "organisation implementing the interests of a foreign state" and submit to increased state scrutiny. Georgia has been an official candidate for EU membership since December 2023. While Georgian Dream formally supports the country's constitutional goal of one day joining the EU and NATO, the party, in power since 2012, has in recent years moved to strengthen ties with Moscow.
Read Also: CPLP delegation begins visit to Georgia today (Portuguese version)

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