
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Use of Western weapons against Russia? Kremlin responds to Stoltenberg

The Kremlin spokesman accused the transatlantic alliance of “increasing the degree of escalation” of the conflict.

Use of Western weapons against Russia? Kremlin responds to Stoltenberg
Notícias ao Minuto

15:56 - 27/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

Mundo Guerra na Ucrânia

The Kremlin on Monday accused NATO's secretary-general of "raising the stakes" in the Ukraine conflict after he said members of the transatlantic alliance should allow Western weapons to be used to strike targets in Russia. 

"NATO is raising the stakes," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russia's Izvestia daily, as quoted by Reuters, when asked about Stoltenberg's statement: "NATO is flirting with military rhetoric".

Asked if NATO was moving closer to direct confrontation with Russia, Peskov was blunt: "They are not moving closer. They are doing it".

At issue are statements by NATO's chief who, under the right of self-defence "enshrined in the UN Charter", has raised the possibility of Ukraine striking inside Russia and insisted that this is "legal" as long as they are "legitimate military targets", according to EFE.

"It is time for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions on the weapons they provide to Ukraine, because we have to remember that this is a war of aggression by Russia, that Ukraine has the right to defend itself and that includes hitting targets inside Russian territory", Stoltenberg said over the weekend.


Kharkiv? "Altura de levantar restrições de armas que enviam para Ucrânia"

O secretário-geral da NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, defendeu hoje ataques ucranianos a alvos em território russo desde que sejam de natureza militar, no âmbito das operações de defesa contra a Rússia na linha da frente na região de Kharkiv (norte).

Lusa | 12:22 - 25/05/2024

On Monday, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, an independent body of the transatlantic alliance, approved a declaration backing Ukraine's ability to strike military targets in Russia with weapons supplied by allied countries.

Read Also: Weapons? Salvini asks Stoltenberg to resign if he does not "retract" (Portuguese version)

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