
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

135 Trucks of Aid Enter Gaza From Egypt

At least 135 trucks loaded only with food entered the Gaza Strip today from Egypt, through the Kerem Shalom border crossing, indicated sources from the Egyptian Red Crescent.

135 Trucks of Aid Enter Gaza From Egypt
Notícias ao Minuto

18:08 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Médio Oriente

According to the organization, this is the second shipment of hundreds of tons of food that, for the second consecutive day, enter the corridor that leads to Kerem Shalom from Egyptian territory, where they are inspected by Israel before entering the Palestinian enclave.

On Sunday, Egypt sent 125 trucks loaded with food and medical supplies, as well as fuel, to Gaza through this same point, for the first time since Israel took over the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing in the south of the enclave 20 days ago, which borders the Sinai Peninsula.

Since then, hundreds of trucks of humanitarian aid, mostly loaded with food, have been held up in Egypt and have not been able to enter the Gaza Strip.

Many of them began to rot in the high temperatures, while some products had to be sold at reduced prices in local markets before they spoiled.

The entry of this new aid convoy comes on the same day that the Egyptian army confirmed the death of a person in an exchange of fire with Israeli forces at the Rafah border post, an unusual incident that the authorities of both countries say they are investigating.

More serious was the Israeli air strike on Sunday against a displaced persons camp in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, widely condemned by the international community and in which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted that it was "a tragic incident".

"In Rafah, we withdrew a million people who were not involved and, despite all our efforts, yesterday [Sunday] a tragic incident occurred. We are investigating what happened and we will draw conclusions," Netanyahu told the Israeli parliament.

On Sunday, an Israeli air strike caused a fire in a displaced persons camp in the southern Gaza Strip, killing, according to Palestinian authorities, at least 50 people - nearly half of whom were women, children and elderly - and 249 injured.

Read Also: Netanyahu says attack in Rafah was "tragic incident" (Portuguese version)

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