
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Justice orders Milei to deliver retained food products

Argentine justice ordered on Monday the government of ultra-liberal president Javier Milei to proceed "immediately" with the distribution of tons of food aid to the poorest sectors of the population, which it has been withholding since December.

Justice orders Milei to deliver retained food products
Notícias ao Minuto

06:24 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Argentina

Federal Judge Sebastian Casanello ordered the Ministry of Human Capital to provide within 72 hours a detailed list of the retained foodstuffs and to proceed "immediately" with their distribution.

The magistrate based his decision on statistical information that places more than half of the population below the poverty line.

The court decision stems from a lawsuit filed in February by social organizations, after the interruption of the supply of food products for the so-called soup kitchens, shortly after Milei came to power.

The government had justified this interruption with an audit of the social organizations promoting the soup kitchens.

Recently, in parliament, the government said the audit had indicated that half of the soup kitchens did not exist.

This "poverty business", one of the government's workhorses, led in mid-May to accusations and lawsuits against the "ghost" soup kitchens, for embezzlement.

The spokesman for the presidency, Manuel Adorni, said, at a press conference, that the government would appeal the judge's decision, but added that the products in question were "reserves" intended for "emergencies" or "catastrophe" situations.

According to social organizations, there are about 45,000 soup kitchens, but an undetermined number of them stopped working when the supply they received from the State was interrupted.

The Argentine Catholic Church demanded, on Sunday, that the government deliver "quickly" the stocks of food products that it has in its possession.

Read Also: Deputados acusam Milei de usar fundos públicos em viagem a Espanha (Portuguese version)

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