
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

'Impossible to describe': Man reunited with mother 34 years after being kidnapped

Josenildo Marreira was only 11 years old when he was taken by an unknown woman to another state in Brazil.

'Impossible to describe': Man reunited with mother 34 years after being kidnapped
Notícias ao Minuto

14:37 - 28/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo Brasil

Josenildo da Silva Marreira was 11 years old in 1987 when he left home to sell rice kibbeh on a road in Rio Branco, the capital of Acre, in Brazil. At the time, it was common for children to sell food on the street, especially in the Amazon, to help support their families.

On the fateful day he was kidnapped, the boy was approached by a mysterious woman who asked him if he was not the son of Francisco, a military police officer murdered in 1983 by a criminal group during a bar brawl.

Noticing Josenildo's anger due to the fact that his father's murderers had never been caught, the woman lured the boy into a bus with promises to take him to them.

What he did not know is that he had just boarded a child trafficking scheme.

Josenildo ended up being sold to a family in Florianópolis, in the state of Santa Catarina. Despite living in a comfortable house, the boy did not adapt and one day, when his adoptive mother took him to an amusement park, he ran away.

For years, he lived on the streets and survived with the help of petty thefts, then worked in agribusiness and the fishing sector. Until he was finally adopted again and his parents gave him a new name, Francisco Araújo Tigre, so that they could register him and enroll him in school.

Meanwhile, his biological mother, Iraci, was desperately searching for her eldest son. She felt guilty for having left Josenildo alone to sell kibbeh. In addition to the authorities, many joined the search, but there were no clues to the boy.

Time passed, but Iraci never lost hope. Until, as an adult, Josenildo decided to look for his biological mother and went to the street where he was kidnapped. Everything was different and he felt lost, until he recognized a door and knocked. It was his maternal aunt's house.

After several doubts on the part of the family and even the brothers, who were very young when he disappeared, Iraci was called to take the acid test and, as soon as she saw him, she had no doubts. The woman almost fainted with emotion, hugged and kissed her son, according to the newspaper O Globo, for "an indefinite time". To this Brazilian publication, the woman admitted that it was "impossible to describe this emotion".

"I'm happy, but I also feel a strange sensation for having been away from him for so long," she revealed.

Despite the mother's certainty, Josenildo took a DNA test to be 100% sure that he was Iraci's son. And he was. Now, he spends his days glued to his biological mother.

Read Also: Young man who killed family only included sister so that the plan would not fail (Portuguese version)

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