
  • 28 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 12º MÁX 25º

More EU countries OK Western arms for Ukraine in ‘attacks’ on Russia

The High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy revealed today that more countries in the bloc now allow the use of the weaponry they provided to Ukraine to attack Russian territory "in self-defense".

More EU countries OK Western arms for Ukraine in ‘attacks’ on Russia
Notícias ao Minuto

17:01 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo Ucrânia/Rússia

"On the possibility of lifting restrictions on the use of Western weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to hit military targets on Russian territory, in self-defense, it is a legitimate action under international law", said Josep Borrell, at a press conference at the end of a ministerial meeting in Brussels (Belgium).

"There are countries that had an opposite idea and today accept lifting this limitation on the weapons they made available to Ukraine", he added.

However, the head of European diplomacy said that "it is clear that it is an individual decision" of each country and that "they have to take responsibility for it", without specifying how many or which Member States considered this hypothesis.

The EU Defense Ministers also discussed the possibility of training Ukrainian military personnel on Ukrainian territory, but there was no consensus to move forward with a proposal.

"At 27 there are different views, I cannot say that there was consensus on this, but things change", said the EU High Representative.

There is a fear that these two hypotheses will contribute to exacerbating geopolitical tensions, since the Kremlin warned that enabling the use of Western weapons to hit Russian territory - even "in a proportional manner", as Josep Borrell claimed - could be considered involvement of other countries.

Read Also: EU wants to meet with Israel to discuss respect for human rights (Portuguese version)

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