
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

PR of Sao Tome wants transformative education without children out of schools

The President of São Tomé and Príncipe today defended a transformative education in the archipelago, calling for greater involvement of teachers and guardians to ensure that no school-age child is out of school.

PR of Sao Tome wants transformative education without children out of schools
Notícias ao Minuto

22:16 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Mundo São Tomé

Carlos Vila Nova spoke at the launch ceremony for the activities of the month of the child, which will begin on June 1, World Children's Day, which in São Tomé and Príncipe will take place under the motto "The time has come for a transformative and participatory education that makes a difference".

"Although it is a festive period, it is always an occasion to reflect on the many situations that affect our children, their rights and duties, the mission and responsibility of teachers and educators, as well as that of parents and guardians", defended Carlos Vila Nova.

The São Toméan head of state stressed that education is "the basis for the construction of any and all societies", which is why he defended "a balance sheet on the past, present and future" of education in São Tomé and Príncipe.

"The world is constantly evolving and, as such, education must follow the same rhythm. If previously children were formatted to stay in a room and unilaterally receive information and teachings from the educator or teacher, nowadays this modality is no longer always considered effective", pointed out the São Toméan President.

For Carlos Vila Nova, transformative education "should be based on interdisciplinarity, encouraging the student's autonomy, stimulating reading, reflection and debate, the correct use of technological tools and the promotion of extracurricular activities that are effectively pedagogical".

To parents and guardians, the President of the Republic warned that "financial difficulties and the search for better living conditions cannot justify abandoning children to their fate, nor for parental responsibility to be delegated to third parties under any pretext".

"I therefore advise you to get closer to your children, talk and work on identifying problems and traumas before it is too late. It is necessary for parents and guardians to effectively fulfill their responsibility regarding the education of their children. Do not be just financial providers, but also educators, through the transmission of values and principles, thus being a model for them", appealed Carlos Vila Nova.

"I look forward to the day when no school-age child is out of the school system, either due to financial difficulties or special needs. Accompanying your growth is a privilege. As we adults also learn from you, with your insatiable curiosity, the lightness of your hearts, the essence of ingenuity, the purity of the human being and the appreciation for the little things. Hence the importance of the competent institutions guaranteeing your protection and safety", said Carlos Vila Nova.

Leia Também: PM são-tomense reuniu-se com Montenegro. Rússia fora da conversa (Portuguese version)

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