
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Family loses home for second time in three years to tornado

The property was first damaged in 2021 and most recently last weekend.

Family loses home for second time in three years to tornado
Notícias ao Minuto

23:56 - 28/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Mundo EUA

A Kentucky family is homeless for the second time after a tornado tore through their property again. The home was first damaged in 2021 and then again this past weekend, ABC News reported.  The home, located in the small community of Barnsley, was destroyed by a tornado that killed more than 80 people in December 2021. The family never thought it could happen again. But the community was hit by another powerful tornado Sunday. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency after the storms.  "All we know for sure is we're not coming back here," said Devin Johnson, 21, whose grandparents own the home. "It's going to be too many memories of losing everything." Other homes were also damaged, with campers flipped, houses knocked off their foundations and roofs torn off.  "It felt like we lost everything all over again," he said. This time, the family was able to take shelter at a relative's house when the storms hit Barnsley. That wasn't the case in 2021, when Johnson huddled with his grandparents, sister and brother-in-law under a table as the wind whipped around them. His aunt and uncle sheltered in a hallway under a mattress.  "We started hearing a roar and then the whole house started shaking," he recalled. "The power started going out and the windows started breaking. And then all of a sudden, you can feel the wind and the pressure and the roar just rip through the house and it starts pulling on us and trying to suck us out." Everyone escaped without injuries, but little was left of the home except some keepsakes and family photos. "This time, everything we had is gone," he said. 
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