
  • 28 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 12º MÁX 25º

Lavrov visits Guinea-Conakry to discuss mutual cooperation

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Guinea-Conakry on Monday, on a tour of West Africa where coups and growing anti-Western sentiment have led several countries to pivot toward Moscow.

Lavrov visits Guinea-Conakry to discuss mutual cooperation
Notícias ao Minuto

17:43 - 03/06/24 por Lusa

Mundo Rússia

Lavrov has visited the African continent several times in the past two years, as Russia seeks support – or at least neutrality – from many of its 54 nations amid its invasion of Ukraine.

Lavrov met with his counterpart from Guinea, Morissanda Kouyaté, in Conakry, according to Russia’s foreign ministry.

Guinea’s government said in a statement that the meeting was to discuss areas of mutual cooperation, without elaborating. 

It was not immediately clear which other African nations Lavrov might visit.

Guinea has been ruled by a military junta since 2021.

Col. Mamady Doumbouya seized power, saying he was preventing Guinea from falling into chaos and accusing the previous administration of failing to deliver on promises.

In February, the military rulers dissolved the government without giving a reason, saying a new one would be named.

Doumbouya has rejected attempts by Western and other developed nations to intervene in Africa’s political challenges, saying Africans are “fed up with being pigeonholed.”

Several West African nations, including Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, have undergone coups that installed military juntas and have cut or curtailed long-standing military ties with Western powers in favor of security assistance from Russia.

Lavrov visited Mali early last year and pledged military support.

He also visited South Africa last year – seen as the most important of several African nations to adopt a neutral stance on the war in Ukraine – and returned to the country for a meeting of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

Read Also: Sergei Lavrov começa viagem a África pela Guiné-Conacri (Portuguese version)

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