
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

GNR warns of accidents with agricultural machinery (which rose in 2023)

The GNR warned of the need to comply with safety rules when driving tractors and agricultural machinery, reporting an increase in accidents last year at national level.

GNR warns of accidents with agricultural machinery (which rose in 2023)
Notícias ao Minuto

08:58 - 20/04/24 por Lusa

País GNR

In a statement, the National Republican Guard (GNR) indicated that, in 2023, there were 480 road accidents involving agricultural vehicles (439 in 2022), which resulted in 12 deaths, 23 serious injuries and 172 minor injuries. This year, up until 29 February, 21 accidents had already been recorded, with no fatalities.

"Given the number of accidents involving tractors and agricultural machinery, recorded in the area of responsibility of the Guard, in the years 2021 to 2024, in particular those of the last week, it becomes imperative to advise on compliance with the safety rules for this type of vehicle, so the GNR will continue to carry out awareness-raising actions aimed at users of tractors and agricultural machinery, with the aim of enforcing safety measures and preventing the occurrence of accidents in the manoeuvring of agricultural/forestry vehicles/machinery", it said.

According to the GNR, "one of the main causes of accidents in the field of agricultural or related activity points to the advanced age of the farmer", which is compounded by "the need for agricultural tasks to be carried out in short intervals of time, worsening the physical fatigue, typical of a physically demanding activity".

For the GNR, another cause is "excessive confidence in operating machinery which, for all intents and purposes, is dangerous and sometimes results from a lack of training in its handling".

Thus, more than 50% "of tractors do not have protective structures, whether they are arches or cabins, accessories that are extremely important for the safety of the worker", it warned.

The GNR also left several pieces of advice to users of agricultural and forestry vehicles, appealing for their maintenance, the use of protective structures and lighting and signalling accessories and the attendance of theoretical and practical training courses.

"Do not drive under the influence of alcohol, fatigue or at excessive speed", said the GNR, also appealing for respect for the limits of the tractor. "Do not overload or carry passengers 'hanging on'. It is forbidden and dangerous", it stressed.

"Since overturning is the main cause of casualties, we warn that it is mandatory to drive with a safety arch, known as the 'Santo António Arch', raised and in the service position (this obligation applies to tractors approved with this structure), as well as the use of a seatbelt and other safety devices with which the vehicles are equipped", said the National Republican Guard.

Finally, it recalled that "tractors and agricultural or forestry machinery and industrial machinery are now required to have special luminous warning devices (yellow rotating light)".

According to GNR data, between 2021 and February 2024 there were 1,396 road accidents involving agricultural vehicles, which resulted in 39 deaths, 87 serious injuries and 490 minor injuries.

On private property, in the same period, there were 393 accidents, with 88 deaths, 123 serious injuries and 194 minor injuries.

Read Also: Firefighters fight fire in tractor workshop in Aveiro (Portuguese version)

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