
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Portuguese Institute of Culture wants to use April 25th to strengthen ties

The Portuguese Institute of Culture (IPC) will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in a public square in Caracas, an initiative that in addition to marking the anniversary aims to strengthen relations between Portugal and Venezuela.

Portuguese Institute of Culture wants to use April 25th to strengthen ties
Notícias ao Minuto

18:08 - 20/04/24 por Lusa

País Venezuela

"It is a historical date that the IPC believes should be celebrated (...) We understand that since it is a date that the Venezuelan government likes, it could be a moment to strengthen the good relationship, this union between Portugal and Venezuela", the president of the Portuguese Institute of Culture told Lusa.

The event will take place in the Plaza de Los Palos Grandes, Chacao, in the east of Caracas, on April 25 at the end of the afternoon [night in Lisbon] and in addition to a photographic exhibition and the protocol acts, a documentary will be shown with the most emblematic images of April 25.

In statements to the Lusa agency, Fernando Campos Topa stressed that in addition to the historical context, hundreds of thousands of Portuguese also live in Venezuela, who have an important relationship with the Venezuelans and who also serve as a basis for the relationship between both governments (Lisbon and Caracas).

On the other hand, he pointed out, "the idea is also to make Venezuelans in general aware of those things that are perhaps not so visible or so well known about the Carnation Revolution".

"Because April 25 was a dawn, it was only one day, but it was understood later in time, and today it is very much in force", he said.

The president of the IPC also stressed that "democracy, with its weaknesses, must always be worked on and defended (...) without entering into political contexts, this is also a very great message that is given to the Venezuelan people that we have to defend it and that April 25 brought democracy to the Portuguese people".

Fernando Campos insisted that the Carnation Revolution brought Portugal out of a long dictatorship, gave openness and freedom to a country that was very closed in on itself.

"It was a peaceful revolution, which was an example for the world, and we want to take that to the Venezuelans, to mark this very important date for Portugal", he stressed.

In his opinion, "the vast majority of people are aware of the importance of April 25 and understand that it brought progress to Portugal and specifically to the community of the island of Madeira, which was then even more closed to the world".

The exhibition and the documentary will then be shown at the Maritime Centre of Venezuela, at the Lar Padre Joaquim Ferreira and in the city of Clarines, in the Venezuelan state of Anzoátegui (245 kilometres east of the capital), "so that people, particularly the new generations, can see what a civil and community revolution was and the important impact it had on the future of Portugal".

Read Also: EU and STJ evaluated sending a mission to the presidential elections in Venezuela (Portuguese version)

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