
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Eleven Climáximo supporters begin to be judged for road cutting

Eleven supporters of the environmental movement Climáximo are starting to be judged today in Lisbon for the blockade of Avenida Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco, in December 2023, accused of "civil disobedience" and "interruption of communications".

Eleven Climáximo supporters begin to be judged for road cutting
Notícias ao Minuto

06:58 - 22/04/24 por Lusa

País Climáximo

The 11 activists on trial have hearings scheduled until Wednesday at the Campus de Justiça, Lisbon.

The environmentalists, aged between 20 and 58, risk prison sentences of more than one year if convicted.

Climáximo activist Matilde Alvim recently told Lusa that "solidarity and resistance activities" are being organised outside the court for the trial days.

Therefore, a solidarity programme is planned that promises to involve and organise the next steps of the movement for climate justice" - the "April Assemblies", said the Climáximo movement, which believes that the 11 people are being tried for fighting for life on the planet.

"We cannot normalise the extreme violence that is the climate crisis. The drought in the Algarve, the millions of people currently displaced, and the thousands of deaths due to the climate crisis. We know that governments and companies continue their plans for destruction. Delegating to them the responsibility for stopping the climate crisis is the same as expecting the dictator to end the dictatorship," warned the movement.

The programme of actions in defence of the climate includes debates on Climáximo's "Disarmament and Peace Plans", lectures and open assemblies to "build the next steps of the movement".

Read Also: Climáximo replaces posters in downtown Lisbon in protest (Portuguese version)

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