
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Climáximo? "What is happening in this trial is not just about us"

The environmentalists, aged between 20 and 58, risk prison sentences of more than a year if convicted.

Climáximo? "What is happening in this trial is not just about us"
Notícias ao Minuto

10:14 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País ativistas climaticos

Eleven Climáximo supporters will be tried in court for the climate protest that blocked Avenida Eng. Duarte Pacheco, in Lisbon, which took place in December 2023. The trial begins this Monday and will run until the 24th.

Maria Mesquita, spokesperson and one of those being tried, states that "what is happening in this trial is not just about us, the 11 people who are going to court. It is about how, in 50 years, the story will be told of what people did to stop the war against life. We are facing the greatest organized crime that Humanity has ever seen: The destruction of the planet and the material conditions of civilization for a dignified life by governments and companies. And who is in the dock today? We, who are fighting for our lives. A few days before the 25th of April, this forces us to ask: What should those who defend life and freedom be doing today?", one can read in a statement to which Notícias ao Minuto had access.

The environmentalists are aged between 20 and 58 and, if convicted, risk sentences of more than one year in prison. For the days of the trial, "solidarity and resistance activities" are being organized near the court.

Thus, a solidarity program is planned that promises to involve and organize the next steps of the movement for climate justice" - the "April Assemblies", said the Climáximo movement, which considers that the 11 people are being tried for having fought for life on the planet.

Read Also: Eleven Climáximo supporters begin to be tried for road closure (Portuguese version)

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