
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Biggest crisis humanity has ever faced". Climate activists occupy FCSH

Activists use the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April to protest against the "inaction of the institutions of power".

"Biggest crisis humanity has ever faced". Climate activists occupy FCSH
Notícias ao Minuto

15:24 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Fim ao Fóssil

Students from the End Fossil movement occupied the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (FCSH) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa on Monday afternoon.

The climate activists set up an occupation inside the faculty, with several tents and banners, in protest "against the inaction of the institutions of power" in relation to what they say is the "'greatest crisis that humanity has ever faced'".

"In the week of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April, we occupied our faculty for the rights that the revolution won. In climate collapse, there is no peace, bread, health, housing, ... and much less education", said Beatriz Xavier, a FCSH student who is part of the protest, quoted in a statement to which Notícias ao Minuto had access.

The young woman indicated that the movement chose to occupy the faculty "because the spaces that society has chosen" to project young people "into the future should be a space for organization and struggle for students".

In the same note, they recall that in the last occupation the Public Security Police (PSP) was called to intervene, but that they remain "determined" and "inspired by the examples of the student struggle against the New State".

"As students, it is our responsibility to follow the legacy of the student movement against the dictatorship, which in times of oppression, responded with resistance", said Beatriz. "Students have already given several proofs that, with their action, change is possible. Today, it is necessary more than ever. It is urgent to rebuild the student resistance, to guarantee that students have a future", she added.

The movement promises new actions in schools "to mobilize and organize students".

Read Also: Activists claimed in court that they did not hear the PSP's "voice of dispersal" (Portuguese version)

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