
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

CVRA says there are no excess vineyards after minister wants to block support

The Alentejo Regional Wine Commission (CVRA) considered today that the country does not have an excess of vineyards, after the Minister of Agriculture stated to the newspaper Público that he intends to put "a brake" on support for planting vineyards.

CVRA says there are no excess vineyards after minister wants to block support
Notícias ao Minuto

16:03 - 22/04/24 por Lusa

País vinhas

In statements to the Lusa agency, the president of CVRA, Francisco Mateus, recalled that the vineyards are planted by initiative of entrepreneurs and producers, who "will certainly do the necessary math" to reach the conclusion on whether or not they should plant more on the land.

"I believe we do not have too many vineyards, we may, at certain times, have an excess of production or an excess of 'stock' that has to do with better years in terms of production, it also has to do with the decrease in sales", he said.

Francisco Mateus adds that "there are times when situations worsen", but the "big problem" is when this worsening of the situation "leads to structural situations" that are then not easily resolved in the sector.

"I also think that the minister's warning is for this, we have to rethink the various measures we have on the table, the effects they are having to try to have a more balanced future in terms of vineyard production and then in terms of trade", he defended.

CVRA, created in 1989, is responsible for the protection and defense of the Denomination of Controlled Origin (DOC) Alentejo and the Alentejano Geographical Indication, certification and control of origin and quality, promotion and fostering of sustainability.

Alentejo is the national leader in certified wines, with around 40% of the total value of sales in a universe of 14 wine regions in Portugal.

In an interview today with the Publico newspaper, the Minister of Agriculture, José Manuel Fernandes, states that Portugal has a problem with the 'stock' of wine to be sold and that "a brake is needed, otherwise we are throwing money away".

For Francisco Mateus, the Minister of Agriculture made an "unrealistic interpretation" of the data during the interview, namely with regard to the Vitis program, a support measure for the restructuring and reconversion of vineyards.

"I would say that it seems to me that the minister is making an unrealistic interpretation of the data, in that part relating to Vitis, I think that it is missing adding a question that is the fact that Vitis has to be seen as a measure to guarantee competitiveness", he said.

Vitis, as the president of CVRA recalled, "approves the restructuring or conversion of vineyards".

"The minister also makes a reference to the climate issue in the interview, and very well, and I see that within the scope of the Vitis measure there is the possibility of financing this adaptation, of Vitis financing the introduction of advanced sustainable production systems. Vitis should not be seen as a problem, but part of the solution", he concluded.

Read Also: CNA says that the Minister of Agriculture is in favor of "negative policy" (Portuguese version)

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