
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Appropriate clothing". High school bans "excessive cleavage" and "short" shorts

Rosário Andorinha, headmistress of Liceu Pedro Nunes, said that the Parents Association and the School Board agree with the warnings of the management.

"Appropriate clothing". High school bans "excessive cleavage" and "short" shorts
Notícias ao Minuto

20:39 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Lisboa

“Shorts that are too short” or “shirts with excessive cleavage” cannot be worn - these are the latest warnings from the management of Pedro Nunes Secondary School in Lisbon, and they are included in an email sent to parents.

According to the news reported by Público, the management even says that anyone who wears these clothes on the days of the national higher education entrance exams, for the 11th and 12th grades, may be prevented from taking the tests.

“Students must be at school in appropriate clothing. This means not wearing beachwear, namely swimming trunks, flip-flops, shorts that are too short and shirts with excessive cleavage”, the message states, according to the newspaper, adding that, “even in exam situations, appropriate clothing is recommended under penalty of not being able to take the exam”.

The notices were sent to the Parents' Association last Friday and then forwarded to each of the parents, according to the newspaper.

The message is signed by the principal Maria do Rosário Andorinha, who told the newspaper that the warnings came about due to warnings about the clothes worn by students.

“Many girls, many students, come to school wearing practically just a kind of top, only covering their breasts and shorts below the waist. And this is not appropriate for being in a classroom”, she said.

“There are tops that only cover the breasts and little else. Other people may also not feel comfortable, there are other students who may feel uncomfortable”, she added, also arguing that this is not “a leisure space”, but “a public institution”.

The principal also argued that “everyone wears what they want and what they feel like, in all colours and styles, but there is a minimum set out in the internal regulations”. However, according to Público, the internal regulations, available online, do not establish any rules on the warnings given.

The newspaper also writes that the email has been criticised by some parents.

The Notícias ao Minuto contacted the management of the school to obtain further clarification, but has not yet received a response.

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