
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Vaccination coverage up to the age of 7 remains high

Data are included in the 2024 Annual Vaccination Summary Report released this Tuesday by the DGS.

Vaccination coverage up to the age of 7 remains high

In 2023, the vaccination coverage of all the vaccines recommended in the National Vaccination Programme (NVP), assessed up to 7 years of age, "remained very high", reveals a study on vaccination in Portugal, carried out last year, and released this Tuesday by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS).

According to the Annual Vaccination Summary Report 2024, to which Notícias ao Minuto had access, "about 99%" of babies have the complete vaccination "at the end of the first year of life", "reaching or exceeding the target of 95% in the following years".

The study also reveals that the high vaccination coverage against measles "is maintained, meeting and exceeding the national and international target of 95%, reinforcing the protection with the aim of avoiding or limiting outbreaks".

In the vaccination against meningococcal disease of group B, introduced in the NVP in October 2020, "the target of 95% was reached or exceeded in all the cohorts covered, similar to the other vaccines recommended at the same age".

Vaccination of young people against HPV maintains level of excellence

The study also concluded that the vaccination of females against HPV "maintains its level of excellence, of 90% for the complete scheme, when they complete 12 years of age".

Also the vaccination coverage of males against HPV, introduced in the NVP in October 2020, reveals a "significant adherence to vaccination". "In the cohorts of 2009, 2010 and 2011 (respectively 14, 13 and 12 years of age), coverage close to 90% is observed for the complete vaccination scheme".

Regarding the estimated vaccination coverage of pregnant women, to protect the newborn against whooping cough, the data reveal that it remains at high levels: 84% in 2023.

Regarding the preliminary data of the report referring to the Seasonal Vaccination Campaign of Autumn-Winter 2023-2024, which continues until 30 April, an increase of 18 percentage points was observed in the vaccination coverage of the age group of 60-64 years (45%), which in 2023 started to be covered by free vaccination against the flu.

The maintenance of these "excellent results", highlights the DGS, is due to "the daily dedication and effort of the health professionals, as well as the trust that the population places in vaccination".

Leia Também: Temos "elevadas taxas de cobertura vacinal" mas "desafios existem sempre" (Portuguese version)

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