
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Spending on environmental protection increased by 18% in 2021, says INE

National environmental protection expenditure (NEPE) rose by 18% in 2021, outpacing the nominal evolution of gross domestic product (GDP), which was 7.7%, according to official data.

Spending on environmental protection increased by 18% in 2021, says INE
Notícias ao Minuto

14:19 - 23/04/24 por Lusa

País INE

The increase, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) released today, was due to positive variations in the main components: final consumption expenditure (20.8%), intermediate consumption (22.6%) and investment (6.1%).

"All institutional sectors of the economy contributed to this positive evolution. In Corporations, responsible for 60.0% of the DNPA, a growth of 24.0% was observed, in Public Administrations and Non-profit Institutions serving households the increase was 6.0%, and in Households it was 17.2%", indicates the INE.

According to the institute, the two most relevant environmental domains for the DNPA explain the positive behavior: in waste management, responsible for 44.7% of the total value, a growth of 20.5% was observed and in wastewater management (which contributed 29.9% to total expenditure) the increase was 18.0%.

In 2021, the weight of the DNPA in GDP (1.8%) was below the European Union (EU) average (2.2%). The expenditure per inhabitant in Portugal was almost half of the EU average.

With the exception of 2017, the DNPA has increased in nominal terms since 2014. In 2021 it stood at 3.9 billion euros.

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