
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Let's see". Costa might go to CE (but he still "has not" been heard by the PGR)

In the post-government period, Costa declares that, besides his post-graduation, he has "taken advantage to rest, to take care of personal things, to organize papers".

"Let's see". Costa might go to CE (but he still "has not" been heard by the PGR)

Former Prime Minister António Costa was introduced on Tuesday on the new channel of the MediaLivre group and revealed what his role will be in the media.

In addition to his postgraduate studies, Costa stated that he has "taken advantage of the time to rest, to take care of personal things, to organize papers".

Regarding the role he will assume in this new project, the former government official said it was "too early" to announce, but lifted the veil a little, saying that "for now it is not exactly commentary", but promises "optimism and good spirits", as he usually presented himself to the Portuguese.

Questioned about the first days of the new Government and the controversy surrounding the IRS, Costa refused to comment.

"I will not do that yet. Until now I have been commented on, moving to the commentator phase requires some time, some distance from oneself, from the facts and from the events", stated Costa, wishing "the best of luck" to the new protagonists of the country's political landscape.

Regarding the statements by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who stated that "it is starting to become more likely that there will be a Portuguese" in the European Council, following the developments of Operation Influencer, Costa hinted at the possibility of getting there.

"Let's see, for now the important thing is that people mobilize to participate in the European elections. It is important to participate and choose", he noted.

Regarding the criminal proceedings in which he was involved and which were transferred to the Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DCIAP), Costa revealed that he had "not yet" been heard by the courts and that this "dialogue takes place in a specific location", which is in the courts.

"When they want to talk to me, they know where I am and where to talk to me. And I will be happy to talk. Until then, I will wait", he said.

Read Also: European elections. PS renewal list led by Marta Temido approved (Portuguese version)

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