
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PSD/Azores was not satisfied with the list, but trusts the election

The president of the PSD/Azores today showed himself to be dissatisfied with the seventh place attributed to the candidate indicated by the region on the list of the Democratic Alliance to the European Parliament, despite being confident in the election, appealing to the "mobilization" of the electorate.

PSD/Azores was not satisfied with the list, but trusts the election
Notícias ao Minuto

19:13 - 23/04/24 por Lusa

Política Europeias

"For reasons of prestige and consideration for our status as a region that gives maritime status to the country and the European Union and for the quality of the candidate, we could have been even better positioned, but I am convinced and I will do everything and work so that we can have the election guaranteed", said José Manuel Bolieiro to journalists in Ponta Delgada, on the sidelines of a session in which he participated as president of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP/PPM).

On Monday, it was revealed that the candidate nominated by the PSD/Azores, Paulo Nascimento Cabral, will occupy the seventh place on the Democratic Alliance (AD) list for the European Parliament, which will be headed by Sebastião Bugalho.

Today, when questioned, Bolieiro justified the place attributed to Paulo Nascimento Cabral with "party discussions", refusing to go into "details". 

"Five years ago, there were no candidates [from the Azores] on the PSD lists. This year, we do. We are, as I had promised, ahead of Madeira. I cannot say that I am satisfied with the place, but because it has to do with the geostrategic importance of the Azores (...) and with the quality, value, knowledge and experience of the candidate", he stressed. 

The leader of the PSD/Azores, however, said he was "confident" of the election of Nascimento Cabral, despite the place attributed.

"All places are possible and difficult, with the exception of number one, at least for the largest parties. For other parties, even number one is not a guarantee. What is needed is to mobilize the voter to give a sign that in the European elections the Azores are present and mobilized", he reinforced.

And he insisted: "I am confident in this election. I wish and will work for this election".

On Monday, the president of the PSD's National Council and leader of the Madeira Government, Miguel Albuquerque, said that he will vote against the list of candidates of the AD coalition for the European Parliament due to the "non-eligible" position of the candidate nominated by the Madeira structure, Rubina Leal (ninth place).

In the 2019 European elections, the PSD elected six MEPs.

The elections for the European Parliament are scheduled for June 09.

Read Also: Madeira's representative in 9th? Albuquerque criticizes PSD's "bad decision" (Portuguese version)

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