
  • 24 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 24º

Labor Day celebration brings thousands together in front of Fonte Luminosa

Thousands of people are gathered in front of the Fonte Luminosa, in Lisbon, to mark the Labour Day, while awaiting the arrival of the march that left from Martim Moniz, which will end with the speech by the Secretary-General of the CGTP-In.

Notícias ao Minuto

17:08 - 01/05/24 por Lusa

País 1.º de Maio

Sérgio Rosa usually attends the May 1st demonstration organized by the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers - Intersindical (CGTP-In) because he believes it is a way of showing his "dissatisfaction with many things that have been happening in the country".

"It is a demonstration of the vitality and strength of the workers and it seeks to improve their living conditions", he defended.

For Sérgio Rosa, 61 years old, what is worse at the moment is job insecurity, especially among the youngest, who "work without any conditions, without employment contracts and with schedules that they are unable to reconcile with their personal lives".

He came with his wife, two nieces and a nephew "who is a little younger", because this also ends up being a moment of family get-together.

In the group of Salomé, Pedro and Francisca, the average age is between 15 and 16 years old, and there are those who have already come more often and those who are coming for the first time.

"The most beautiful event in Portugal was April 25th, which brought us more rights, it was the start of the country and so I think it is important to celebrate it and to care and to be present here", defended Pedro Arreigas, 16 years old.

Salomé Carvalho, 15 years old, said that although they are all students, they also work and therefore understand that it is necessary to look after the teachers and all the other workers who contribute to education "for at least 12 years" of each person's life.

"Everyone who is here works and everyone here deserves rights. I think we are all equal and I think May 1st was super important because it was one of the greatest revolutions that ever happened here in Portugal", she pointed out.

"Giving strength to people is the most beautiful thing I can do", she added, while in the background we could hear "Pedra Filosofal", by António Gedeão, whose best-known version was sung by Manuel Freire.

For Francisca Rodrigues, 16 years old, May 1st 1974 was "super important" because it was an event that, just like April 25th, "should not be forgotten".

"Although we do not work, I think it is super important to increase wages and workers' rights and working hours. It is a concern for the future and for today", she stressed.

Sérgio, Salomé, Francisca and Pedro are just some of the thousands of people who came to the lawns in front of Fonte Luminosa, in Alameda Dom Afonso Henriques, to celebrate Labour Day.

The atmosphere is festive and many of the people present take the opportunity to lie in the sun, have picnics or simply socialize.

On the sides of the garden, several stalls have been set up by the unions affiliated to CGTP-In, where it is possible to eat a bifana or a grilled sardine, while killing time until the march arrives, which left from Martim Moniz and in which the general secretary of Intersindical will come, who will then give a speech and close today's May 1st celebrations.

Labour Day is a date celebrated internationally, always celebrated on the first day of May, based on May 1, 1886, when a strike began in the North American city of Chicago for better working conditions.



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