
  • 19 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 26º

Government "scraping the bottom of the barrel". Recovery "starts in September"

The National Federation of Teachers met with the Minister of Education, Fernando Alexandre, this Friday. At the end, it stated that the Government is using "days that teachers have already recovered through other documents, such as the so-called 'accelerator'".

Government "scraping the bottom of the barrel". Recovery "starts in September"
Notícias ao Minuto

10:40 - 03/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

País Educação

Mário Nogueira accuses, this Friday, the Government of Luís Montenegro of "scraping the bottom of the barrel" in the recovery of teachers' service time, using "days that teachers have already recovered through other documents, such as the so-called 'accelerator'".

The accusations of the leader of Fenprof arise after a meeting between the National Federation of Teachers and the Minister of Education, Fernando Alexandre.

According to Mário Nogueira, the proposal presented by the Government "goes in the direction of this time that was recovered from waiting for vacancies to now be discounted in the six years and six months", that is, "a person who waited six years to move to the fifth echelon would now only recover three years and six months", which for Fenprof "is not acceptable", since in this way, "there are rights that people had and are losing again".

"The proposal of the ministry begins in September 2024 ending within the term of the legislature, if the legislature will have four years, it probably will not, but it is not up to us to decide, therefore, it is until 2028", he emphasizes, explaining that "this is an exaggerated time for teachers".

Today was not the negotiation, today was the beginning

"This means that teachers will have 10 years to recover six, it is an exaggerated time and many teachers will be left out", he also highlights.

Therefore, Mário Nogueira considers, "what is necessary for the beginning of next year and the end of this one to be peaceful is that at the end of the negotiation process - we have scheduled two more meetings, one on the 13th and another on the 21st of May - the final product of the negotiation is positive". "Today was not the negotiation, today was the beginning", he concludes.

The negotiations between the Government and unions for the recovery of teachers' service time formally begin today, according to the Ministry of Education, which called meetings with the 12 representative structures.

[News updated at 11:13 am]

Read Also: Negotiations begin to recover teachers' service time (Portuguese version)

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