
  • 19 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 26º

Castelo Branco launches pilot project of shared electric bicycles

The Castelo Branco City Council launched today the pilot project 'Binas', which provides 40 shared electric bicycles and eight charging stations, installed in the city's tourist and cultural areas.

Castelo Branco launches pilot project of shared electric bicycles
Notícias ao Minuto

17:42 - 03/05/24 por Lusa

País Câmara

The first phase of the pilot project started today, with the provision of 25 shared electric bicycles and eight parking docks spread across tourist and cultural areas of the city of Castelo Branco.

"This is a project that meets sustainable mobility. The Castelo Branco City Council has made a significant effort to improve the mobility of the albicastrenses and public transport. The 'Binas' is part of this larger project that points to the future of mobility in Castelo Branco", said the vice-president of the local municipality, Hélder Henriques.

The mayor, who spoke during the launch of the pilot project, in the heart of the civic center of Castelo Branco, considered that the city "has all the conditions to be a destination where the bicycle can be widely used".

But the "Binas", whose total investment is around 300 thousand euros, is not limited to the city of Castelo Branco.

Next week, it will also start in Alcains, the second largest parish in the municipality, with four shared electric bicycles and a parking and charging dock located in the center of the village.

Hélder Henriques added that, in the first six months of the project, the use of bicycles will be free.

The vice-president of the Castelo Branco City Council appealed "to responsibility and citizenship" in the use of this equipment, which belongs to everyone, and stressed that this is the first phase of a larger project.

The president of the albicastrense municipality recalled the "strong investment" that the City Council has made in the area of mobility and soft mobility.

"The local authority launched a project to support the acquisition of conventional and electric bicycles. Even so, its daily use in the city is not visible. Over time, we hope that this use will increase", added Leopoldo Rodrigues.

The mayor also appealed for the "responsible use" of this equipment available from today.

"If this use is responsible, the project will be a success", he concluded.

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