
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Prison guard punched by inmate at Monsanto prison

A leader of the National Union of the Prison Guard Corps denounced an assault today on an agent in the high-security prison of Monsanto, the 13th since the beginning of the year in the country's prisons.

Prison guard punched by inmate at Monsanto prison
Notícias ao Minuto

22:06 - 03/05/24 por Lusa


Speaking to the Lusa agency, the leader of the National Union of the Prison Guard Corps (SNCGP), Frederico Morais, said that the assault took place at around 3 pm, when the inmate was being taken to the patio and attacked the guard with a punch to the face.

The union leader said that the guards had to restrain the inmate "using coercive methods" and that he will now be placed in separation (individual disciplinary cell), while an investigation process and complaint to the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) takes place.

The guard was taken to hospital for observation and treatment, and the union does not yet have a report on the situation.

The union regrets the existence of "yet another assault, on a day when, by coincidence, they met with the Minister of Justice", Rita Alarcão Júdice, who announced that a survey is being carried out to change the penalty measures to be applied for assaults on agents of the authority or public servants.

Frederico Morais said that it is "urgent to end this process", emphasising that the situation becomes even more serious when it occurs in a high-security prison.

"Inmates no longer have any problem assaulting prison guards, in any establishment, even in high-security ones," he stressed, revealing that on 19 March there was an attempted murder, which "leaves the union very concerned".

The union leader took the opportunity to say that today the union had a meeting with the Minister of Justice to negotiate risk supplements, and received a proposal from the ministerial team that they consider "humiliating".

The Lusa agency sent a request to the Directorate-General for Reintegration and Prison Services (DGRSP) to confirm this assault and the measures to be taken.

In previous identical situations, the DGRSP explained that the inmate is placed in an individual disciplinary cell while an internal inquiry is carried out and the assault is reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

On Thursday, the Government decided in the Council of Ministers to strengthen the criminal framework for assaults and offences against various groups of public professionals, namely security forces and services, prison guards, health professionals and teachers and assistants.

[News updated at 11:38 pm]

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