
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Manuel Pinho and Ricardo Salgado trial enters the final arguments

The trial of the EDP case, which has as defendants the former Minister of Economy Manuel Pinho, his wife, Alexandra Pinho, and the former president of Banco Espírito Santo (BES) Ricardo Salgado, should enter the final arguments phase today.

Manuel Pinho and Ricardo Salgado trial enters the final arguments
Notícias ao Minuto

06:52 - 06/05/24 por Lusa

País Caso EDP

At the Lisbon Central Criminal Court, almost seven months after the beginning of the court hearings, it is up to the Public Ministry (MP), represented by the prosecutor Rui Batista, to begin his final arguments from 09:30 am, presenting his arguments after the evidence production phase in the courtroom.

When the trial began, on October 10, the prosecutor reiterated that Manuel Pinho remained at the service of the Espírito Santo Group (GES) while serving as Minister of Economy, between 2005 and 2009, making decisions in the interests of GES and Ricardo Salgado and not in the public interest.

The start of the MP's final arguments was initially scheduled for March, but was postponed several times for various reasons, such as difficulties in hearing witnesses or due to personal circumstances of some of the participants in the trial.

If the schedule is not changed, the final arguments of Manuel Pinho's defense will follow on Tuesday -- by lawyers Ricardo Sá Fernandes and Inês Rogeiro.

Wednesday is reserved for the interventions of the defenses of Alexandra Pinho and Ricardo Salgado, represented in this trial by lawyers Manuel Magalhães e Silva and Francisco Proença de Carvalho, respectively.

Manuel Pinho, under house arrest since December 2021, is being tried in the EDP case for passive corruption for illicit act, passive corruption, money laundering and tax fraud.

His wife, Alexandra Pinho, is charged with money laundering and tax fraud - in material co-authorship with her husband -, while the former president of BES, Ricardo Salgado, is charged with active corruption for illicit act, active corruption and money laundering.

Read Also: Salgado gave answers that are not typical of an Alzheimer's patient, say experts (Portuguese version)

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