
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

EDP Case. Salgado's Defense Requests New Expertise, Court Postpones Decision

The lawyer of the former president of Banco Espírito Santo (BES) Ricardo Salgado today requested a new forensic examination of the former banker, aiming at the suspension of a possible sentence in the trial of the EDP Case, but the court postponed the decision.

EDP Case. Salgado's Defense Requests New Expertise, Court Postpones Decision
Notícias ao Minuto

10:32 - 06/05/24 por Lusa

País Caso EDP

Before the start of the Public Prosecution Service's (MP) closing arguments, Francisco Proença de Carvalho recalled that a neurological assessment had already been carried out within the scope of this process and that it pointed to a diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease in the defendant.

"The court already has sufficient elements to declare the suspension of the sentence", said Ricardo Salgado's attorney, who, "out of caution", ended up requesting a new assessment to determine the degree of the disease, with a view to preventing the execution of any effective prison sentence that may be applied in this trial.

The panel of judges requested five minutes to deliberate and interrupted the session, but it took only one minute to return to the courtroom and communicate that this would only be analyzed after the decision: "This matter will only be considered in terms of execution of the sentence if he is convicted".

Ricardo Salgado had already undergone neurological assessments at the end of last year, which confirmed the existence of a neurological disease in the former banker.

With the decision of the presiding judge Ana Paula Rosa, the floor was given to the prosecutor Rui Batista for the start of the MP's closing arguments in this process.

Manuel Pinho, under house arrest since December 2021, is being tried in the EDP case for passive corruption for illicit act, passive corruption, money laundering and tax fraud.

His wife, Alexandra Pinho, is being charged with money laundering and tax fraud - in material co-authorship with her husband - while the former president of BES, Ricardo Salgado, is being charged with active corruption for illicit act, active corruption and money laundering.

Read Also: Manuel Pinho and Ricardo Salgado trial enters closing arguments (Portuguese version)

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